drew dirksen youtube

I Tested 5-Star Emergency Exits!

Land in the Shape, You WIN!

I Lived like a Billionaire for 100 Hours!

I Built a Secret Gaming Room in my Couch!

I Tested Amazon Products for Lazy People!

I Tried Extreme Deadpool Stunts in Real Life!

I Built a Rollercoaster in my House!

I Tried the Worlds Most Satisfying Job!

I Built a SECRET ROOM to Hide my Money!

I Turned my Bed into a Race Car!

I Tried 100 Years of Sports!

I Tried IMPOSSIBLE Spiderman Stunts! (ft. Nidal Wonder)

Land in the Target, You Win!

I Filled my Neighborhood with Trampolines!

I Built a Secret Gaming Room in a Sleeping Pod!

I Tried Climbing Buildings like Spiderman in Real Life!

I Turned my Bed into a Trampoline!

I Built a SECRET Drive Thru in my House!

I Tried Video Games with REAL Pain!

I Tested 5-Star Movie Theaters!


I Went to Ninja School!

I Stayed in the Worlds Weirdest Treehouses!

I Tested 1-Star Waterslides!